House amendments make the following changes to 2nd edtion. Amendment # 1 amends proposed GS 58-49A-1(b) to add to or modify the list of items that will not be expanded, limited, or modified by the statute as follows: (1) any law regarding newborn screenings for metabolic or other hereditary and congenital disorders and examination and testing of a child for lead poisoning under GS 130A-131.9; (2) any law relating to the taking of DNA or any other biological evidence in accordance with GS Chapter 15A (was, other bodily fluid upon arrest); and (3) any law regarding the examination and testing of persons to determine possible exposure to nuclear, biological, or chemical agents caused by a terrorist incident as provided in Article 22 of GS Chapter 130A.
Amendment # 4 additionally rewrites GS 58-49A-1(b) to add any law regarding health assessments required under GS 130A-440 for children entering kindergarten in the public schools to the items that will not be expanded, limited, or modified by the proposed statute.