Requires the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to establish an elementary year‑round school pilot program for local school administrative units to establish a year‑round school calendar for up to five eligible elementary schools, the purpose of which is to encourage establishing a year‑round schedule for elementary schools that have high‑need students to evaluate the impact on student outcomes. Sets the duration of the program at three years, beginning with the 2018‑19 school year and ending with the 2020‑21 school year.
Requires DPI, by September 15, 2017, to develop criteria and procedures to be used in the pilot program for an elementary school that meets at least the following criteria: (1) had less than 35% of the students enrolled in the school achieving reading proficiency in the prior school year and (2) has more than 50% of the students enrolled in the school residing in households with an income level not in excess of the amount required for a student to qualify for the federal free or reduced‑price lunch program.
Requires DPI, by December 15, 2017, to select local school administrative units for up to five eligible elementary schools to participate in the pilot program that represent the state's geographic diversity.
Allows DPI to contract with an institution of higher education with a graduate degree program in early childhood education to evaluate the implementation and success of the pilot programs, including evaluation of specified issues. Requires the institution to report annually by August 15, beginning in 2019, and ending with a final report by August 15, 2021, to the State Board of Education and to DPI. Requires DPI, annually by October 15, beginning in 2019, and ending with a final report by October 15, 2021, to report on the evaluation of the pilot program, and any legislative recommendations, to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee.
Appropriates from the General Fund to DPI $1.7 million for 2017‑18 and $1.7 million for 2018‑19 to support implementation of the pilot program established by this act, while allowing DPI to use up to $200,000 of the funds appropriated in each fiscal year to contract with an institution of higher education for the pilot evaluations. Requires remaining funds to be used to award up to $300,000 each fiscal year to selected local school administrative units for each eligible elementary school for the implementation of the pilot program and associated costs. States the General Assembly's intent to appropriate from the General Fund to DPI $1.7 million for 2019‑20 to be allocated to local school administrative units for the third year of the pilot program.
Effective July 1, 2017.
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View NCGA Bill Details | 2017-2018 Session |
Status: Ref To Com On Appropriations (House Action) (Apr 25 2017)
Bill History:
Mon, 24 Apr 2017 House: Filed
Tue, 25 Apr 2017 House: Passed 1st Reading
Tue, 25 Apr 2017 House: Ref To Com On Appropriations
H 874
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Bill H 874 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 24 2017 - View Summary
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