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  • Summary date: Jun 24 2021 - View Summary


  • Summary date: Jun 8 2021 - View Summary

    House committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes. 

    Part I.

    Revises the directive regarding the required reimbursement of the Burke County Board of Elections for costs in the administration of the described partisan municipal elections. Now directs Burke County municipalities to reimburse the board of elections for the actual costs involved in the administration of the election pursuant to State law, prorated amongst each affected municipality based on the voter registration of each municipality, upon consultation with the State Board of Elections in determining the amount to charge participating municipalities (previously did not specify reimbursement is required by participating municipalities only and at a prorated amount based on each municipality's voter registration). Makes a technical correction. 

    Adds a new section to provide the following.

    Amends Chapter III of the Charter of the Town of Rutherford College, SL 1977-452, to change the election of the members of the town council to even-numbered years beginning in 2024, with three council members elected for four-year terms in 2024 and three council members elected for four-year terms in 2026. Amends the mayoral election provisions by specifying that in 2026, and quadrennially thereafter, the mayor is elected for a four-year term of office (was, elected to a four-year term without specifying a starting date). Additionally provides for regular municipal elections to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years in accordance with the uniform municipal election laws of the state beginning in 2024, and biennially thereafter. 

    Provides for regular municipal elections to be held in the Town of Rutherford College in 2021, with the elected mayor and three council members to serve five-year terms. Extends the terms of the council members elected in 2019 to 2024. Provides for the next regular municipal election following the 2021 election to be held in 2024.

    Changes the act's titles. 

  • Summary date: Apr 21 2021 - View Summary

    Senate committee substitute deletes the content of the 1st edition and now provides the following.

    Part I.

    Amends SL 1981-1, as amended, notwithstanding the plan to establish one administrative unit for all three of the Burke County School Units, as identified. Provides for partisan rather than bipartisan election of Burke County Board of Education (board) members in even-numbered rather than odd-numbered years, beginning in 2024. Provides for election at the time of the general election rather than the November Tuesday described. No longer requires candidates to file a notice of candidacy with the county board of elections and paying a $10 filing fee; maintains residency certification requirements. Restricts existing vacancy procedures to vacancies for positions elected on a nonpartisan basis in 2019 and 2021. Provides for vacancies for positions elected on a partisan basis to be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the board pursuant to State law, beginning in 2024. Specifies that members serve until a successor has been elected and qualified, with predecessors' term expiring at the time the elected member qualified by taking the oath of office on the first Monday of December.

    Provides that the act does not affect the terms of office of any member, or member appointed to fill a vacancy of a member, elected in 2019 and 2021, and extends each of their terms by one year.

    Requires four members of the board to be elected in 2024 and quadrennially thereafter, and three members to be elected in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. 

    Directs Burke County municipalities to reimburse the board of elections for the actual costs in the administration of the election pursuant to State law, upon consultation with the board.

    Part II.

    Amends SL 1973-1273, as amended, providing for partisan rather than nonpartisan election of the Caldwell County Board of Education (board) members in even-numbered years, beginning in 2022. Provides for election at the same time and manner as other county officers. No longer requires filing a notice of candidacy and paying a $5 filing fee; maintains residency certification requirements. Specifies that the terms of predecessors expire at the same time as elected members assume office on the first Monday of December, with members serving until a successor has been elected and qualified. Restricts existing vacancy procedures to vacancies for positions elected on a nonpartisan basis in 2018 and 2020. Provides for vacancies for positions elected on a partisan basis to be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the board pursuant to State law, beginning in 2022. Makes conforming changes.

    Provides that the act does not affect the terms of office of any member, or member appointed to fill a vacancy of a member, elected in 2018 and 2020.

    Makes conforming changes to GS 115C-37.1.

    Makes conforming changes to the act's titles. 

  • Summary date: Mar 15 2021 - View Summary

    Section 1.1

    Amends the Charter of the City of Morganton, SL 1975-180 as amended, to provide for municipal elections to be held in even-numbered years rather than odd-numbered years. Provides for the election of the mayor and two council members for four-year terms in 2024 and quadrennially thereafter, and the election of two council members in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. Makes conforming changes. Specifies that elections are to be conducted in compliance with state law. 

    Directs regular municipal elections to be conducted in 2021 with two council members elected in 2021 to serve five-year terms. Extends the terms of the mayor and two council members elected in 2019 by one year. 

    Section 1.2

    Similarly amends the Charter of the Town of Connelly Springs, SL 1989-528 as amended, to provide for municipal elections to be held in even-numbered years rather than odd-numbered years. Provides for the election of the three council members for four-year terms in 2024 and quadrennially thereafter, and the election of three council members and the mayor in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. Makes conforming changes. Specifies that elections are to be conducted in compliance with state law and sets the election day.

    Directs regular municipal elections to be conducted in 2021 with the mayor and three council members elected in 2021 to serve five-year terms. Extends the terms of the three council members elected in 2019 by one year. 

    Section 1.3

    Similarly amends the Charter of the Town of Drexel, SL 1913-24 as amended,  to provide for municipal elections to be held in even-numbered years rather than odd-numbered years. Changes the governing body of the Town to include the mayor and four aldermen rather than three commissioners. Provides for the election of the mayor and aldermen for four-year terms in 2024 and quadrennially thereafter. Makes conforming and technical changes. Specifies that elections are to be conducted in compliance with state law and sets the election day.

    Directs regular municipal elections to be conducted in 2021 with the mayor and aldermen elected in 2021 to serve three-year terms.

    Section 1.4

    Amends the Charter of the Town of Glen Alpine, SL 1883-61 as amended, to provide for municipal elections to be held in even-numbered years rather than odd-numbered years. Provides for the election of two aldermen for four-year terms in 2024 and quadrennially thereafter, and the election of the mayor and three aldermen in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. Makes conforming changes. Specifies that elections are to be conducted in compliance with state law and sets the election day.

    Directs regular municipal elections to be conducted in 2021 with the mayor and three aldermen elected in 2021 to serve five-year terms. Extends the terms of the two aldermen elected in 2019 by one year. 

    Section 1.5

    Amends the Charter of the Town of Hildebran, SL 1899-212 as amended, to provide for municipal elections to be held in even-numbered years rather than odd-numbered years. Provides for the election of the two commissioners for four-year terms in 2024 and quadrennially thereafter, and the election of three commissioners and the mayor in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. Makes conforming changes and technical changes. Specifies that elections are to be conducted in compliance with state law and sets the election day.

    Directs regular municipal elections to be conducted in 2021 with the mayor and three commissioners elected in 2021 to serve five-year terms. Extends the terms of the two commissioners elected in 2019 by one year. 

    Section 1.6

    Amends the Charter of the Town of Rutherford College, SL 1977-452 as amended, to provide for municipal elections to be held in even-numbered years rather than odd-numbered years. Provides for the election of the three council members for four-year terms in 2024 and quadrennially thereafter, and the election of three council members and the mayor in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. Makes conforming changes. Specifies that elections are to be conducted in compliance with state law and sets the election day.

    Directs regular municipal elections to be conducted in 2021 with the mayor and three council members elected in 2021 to serve five-year terms. Extends the terms of the three council members elected in 2019 by one year. 

    Section 1.7

    Amends the Charter of the Town of Valdese, SL 1977-847 as amended, to provide for municipal elections to be held in even-numbered years rather than odd-numbered years. Provides for the election of the two council members representing election wards four and five for four-year terms in 2024 and quadrennially thereafter, and the election of three council members representing election wards one, two, and three, and the mayor, in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. Makes conforming changes. Specifies that elections are to be conducted in compliance with state law, including adding a statutory cross-reference for nonpartisan plurality election provisions, and sets the election day.

    Directs regular municipal elections to be conducted in 2021 with the mayor and three council members elected in 2021 to serve five-year terms. Extends the terms of the two council members elected in 2019 by one year. 

    Section 2.1

    Notwithstanding the plan to establish one administrative unit for all three of the Burke County School Units, as identified, directs that the Burke County Board of Education is to be elected on a nonpartisan basis for four-year terms at the general election in each even-numbered year as terms expire, beginning in 2024. Provides for the election of four members in 2024 and quadrennially thereafter, and three members in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. Details office qualification and expiration.

    Extends the terms of members elected in 2019 or 2021, or any appointees to fill vacancies thereof, by one year.

  • Summary date: Mar 11 2021 - View Summary

    To be summarized.