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  • Summary date: Apr 25 2024 - View Summary

    Directs the Department of Justice (DOJ), in consultation with the Criminal Justice and Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commissions (Commissions), to study the current state of: (1) law enforcement officer certification in North Carolina and (2) law enforcement officer onboarding processes in the State, including at minimum for both topics, the average length of time and required minimum standards for each process, why an individual fails to complete either process, and the positive and negative effects of each process.  Directs the study to also examine certification and onboarding processes in at least three states of similar population to North Carolina and to focus on the same minimum information set forth above. Requires DOJ and the Commissions to develop recommendations to improve onboarding and certification, focusing on steps the State can take to improve recruitment outcomes for all law enforcement agencies within the State employing law enforcement officers certified or onboarded by the State. Requires DOJ to submit an interim report of its findings to the specified NCGA committee by March 1, 2025, and its final report by March 1, 2026.

    Appropriates $100,000 from the General Fund to DOJ in nonrecurring funds for 2024-25 to be used to implement the above studies and recommendations. Directs that those funds would not revert until June 30, 2026.

    Effective July 1, 2024.