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  • Summary date: Feb 13 2013 - View Summary

    Identical to S 81, filed 2/13/13.

    Establishes the Charlotte Regional Airport Authority (Authority), consisting of eleven members who must meet specified qualifications. Prohibits an elected official from serving on the Authority. Details terms, suspension, voting, meeting, compensation, and other administrative requirements. Provides for staggered terms for members, as indicated. Establishes the Authority's 20 duties, including acquiring, administering, or otherwise regulating airports and/or landing fields for use by airplanes and other aircraft and all facilities incidental to their operation, within the limits of Mecklenburg County. Authorizes the Authority to acquire any real or personal property from Mecklenburg County or Charlotte, which may be necessary for the construction, operation, or maintenance of any airport or facilities located in Mecklenburg County.

    Requires Charlotte to transfer to the Authority within 90 days after enactment of the act all rights and title to Charlotte Douglas International Airport; if approval from a federal agency or current bondholder is required, then the time period is extended to within 90 days of the approval. Provides for the acquisition of private property; prohibits the Authority from exercising the power of eminent domain unless required by federal law. Prohibits the Authority from levying any taxes. Extinguishes any claim by Charlotte on account of acquired property. Requires the Authority to make an annual report to area boards of commissioners and the Charlotte City Council. Provides for entering into contracts, leases, conveyances, and other agreements. Requires the Authority's powers be construed liberally in favor of the Authority. States that GS 66-58(a), which prohibits the sale of merchandise by governmental units in competition with citizens under the Umstead Act, does not apply to the Authority.